
Publicacions realitzades en el marc del projecte OstreoRisk


Vila M, Abós-Herràndiz R, Isern-Fontanet J, Àlvarez J, Berdalet E. (2016). Establishing the link between Ostreopsis cf. ovata blooms and human health impacts using ecology and epidemiology. Scientia Marina, 80S1: 107-115. doi:



Berdalet E, Tester PA, Chinain M, Fraga S, Lemée R, Litaker W, Penna A, Vila M, Zingone A. (2017). Harmful Algal Blooms in Benthic Systems: recent progresses and future research. GEOHAB Oceanography (special issue) 30 (1): 36-35.



Vassalli M, Penna A, Sbrana F, Casabianca S, Gjeci N, Capellacci S, Asnaghi V, Ottaviani E, Giussani V, Pugliese, L, Jauzein, C, Lemée R, Hachani MA, Turki, S, Açaf, L, Abboud-Abi Saabm M, Fricke A, Mangialajo L, Bertolotto R, Totti C, Accoroni S, Berdalet E, Vila M, Chiantore MC. (2018). Intercalibration of counting methods for Ostreopsis spp. blooms in the Mediterranean Sea. Ecological Indicators 85: 1092-1100.




Vila M., Giussani V., Viure L., Alechaga È., Moyano E., Hernández‐Llamas S., Berdalet E. 2017. Ecophysiological responses of the toxic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis cf. ovata under different water motion conditions. In: Proença, L. A. O. and Hallegraeff, G. (eds). Marine and Fresh-Water Harmful Algae. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Harmful Algae. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae 2017, pp. 92-95.


Vila M, Berdalet E, Viure L, Alechaga È, Àlvarez J, Arasa R, Biel L, Caixach J, Domingo-Dalmau A, Estrada M, Farràs J, Hernandez-Llamas S, Isern-Fontanet J, Lacorte S, Moyano E, Palacios O, Sànchez J, Abós-Herràndiz R (2016). The microalgae Ostreopsis cf. ovata blooming in NW Mediterranean coastal areas: a multidisciplinary approach to understand their impacts on human health. In: Libro de Actas del IX Congreso Ibérico de Gestión y Planificación del Agua. Agua, ciudad y salud de los ecosistemas: Integrando perspectivas, proponiendo soluciones. Ed: Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua, pp. 1130-1140